
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
The 8 Impacts of Restrictive Eating on Body, Mind and Soul
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Restrictive eating, under the guise of wellness is very normalised. As we live in a society that continues to validate thinness on the pedestal of achievement. The impact of undereating on the body can be profound. It’s not something that just skinny people do. If you’re a serial dieter or you struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating, then you probably relate to hunger and food preoccupation as a predictable part of the fabric of daily life. You might think that this is just your personality, whereas in fact it’s about restriction. And remember that 85% of people with eating disorders are not underweight. You can still be hungry and depriving yourself, whilst looking healthy.
In this episode, I explore the impact of restrictive eating on body, mind and soul. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Saturday Feb 08, 2025
Saturday Feb 08, 2025
Today I’m talking to Michelle Rosko, who is a holistic health & fitness coach, certified personal trainer, & nutrition coach.
Michelle has been on her own eating disorder recovery journey and now comes to the health and fitness space with a compassionate, sustainable, & holistic approach.
She is host of the podcast Fitness Freedom. Michelle has an online programme, the 4H method, which brings together Hope, Habits, Happiness and Health.
Michelle helps her clients build healthy routines for their lifestyle, look in the mirror & love what they see, go from hating the gym to loving exercise, stop the extreme yo-yo dieting & exercise, & make peace with all foods. Michelle supports people to trust their bodies rather than giving quick fixes that don’t last. She wants all her clients to experience true joy, peace and freedom.
Michelle describes herself as queer, multi-racial, international cat mum, lover of nature, movement, all the flavours of ice cream, travel, & genuine connection.
In the episode today, Michelle talks about her own recovery journey and the challenges she faced along the way. She also dives into her 4H method and the valuable work she does with her clients in healing relationship with food and body. I hope that you enjoy the conversation.
To find out more about Michelle: -
Website: https://go.mlrosko.com/the4hmethod
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4sLEvrTzkYxl81U0fWBM7F
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
This week's sponsor: -
Fueling for Recovery: https://fuelingforrecovery.com/
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
9 Learnings from Working as a Therapist in an Adult Eating Disorder Service
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
I worked as a therapist in an NHS adult eating disorder service on and off between house moves, babies and life between 2004 and 2023. Working in the NHS had never been my strategic career plan.
At 23 years old, I knew that I wanted to work in eating disorders, but the chaos of my early twenties meant that I was running on ideas and dreams, rather than having any concrete plan. Initially, my decision to train as a therapist came from my own wounded healer abandonment issues and wanting to save others.
This wounded place was a helpful starting point and initiation for change. It gave me purpose and hope as I floundered in the choppy waters of life, but feeling reassured by the distant lighthouse shining its beacon out to sea.
I began my therapist training aged 25, with vigorous youthful enthusiasm and joy. 4 years later and working in Student Support at my local university, I fell upon a job advert for an eating disorder therapist.
It was a new service coming to my city and embedded deeply in a psychological approach to treatment. I decided to apply, even though officially, I was an unsuitable candidate for the role. Miraculously, I was offered the job and the incredible mentors who interviewed me back in 2004, continue to be in my life today.
And it opened me up to a whole wealth of experience and learning for the next 19 years.
This episode explores 9 things I learned on this journey.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Eating disorders are on the rise.
The onset of the pandemic accelerated this already increasing trend.
In 2022, the Royal College of Psychiatrists reported that hospital admissions for eating disorders increased by 84% in the last five years.
During the pandemic, BEAT (National Eating Disorders Association, UK) saw an 81% increase in contact across all Helpline channels. This included a 162% rise in social media contact and a 139% surge in online group attendance.
Although the incidence of eating disorders has been ever increasing over the past few decades, why the explosion of diagnoses now?
In this episode, I explore four reasons why. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
A Deep Dive into ADHD, Autism, Trauma and Eating Disorders with Becky Grace Irwing
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Today, I’m talking to Becky Grace Irwing, a BABCP Accredited CBT & EMDR qualified Therapist and qualified Mental Health Nurse. Becky spent 8 years as a Mental Health Nurse and 3 years as a CBT Therapist. She has worked across many mental health services for 14 years including acute, forensic and CAMHS services as well as University Mental Health and Disability Services and a London talking therapies service. She has a background history as a Fitness and Yoga Instructor of 10 years, and has worked in the fitness industry from the age of 17 to 35.
Becky specialises in Eating Disorders, Neurodiversity and complex trauma issues and the link between these. She has a lived experience of binge eating for nearly 30 years, and has been recovered for 7 years. Becky has ADHD and is self-diagnosed with Autism.
Becky describes herself as a dog Mum of two sausage dogs, a human first, and she likes to knit and is sustainability conscious.
In the episode today, Becky talks about her own recovery journey focusing particularly around eating difficulties and the interplay with neurodivergence. She then goes on to talk about why neurodivergent humans can be particularly vulnerable to developing eating disorders. She talks about eating disorders as coping strategies and explores in more depth the issues that often present in therapy when someone has ADHD or autism.
It's a really interesting episode. Becky has a wealth of information to share. I hope that you enjoy it.
To find out more about Becky: -
Instagram: @beckygracetherapy
Website: - www.beckygracetherapy.co.uk
FB and LinkedIn: Becky Grace Irwing
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
5 Mindset Shifts in Eating Disorder Recovery
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
When I was struggling with bulimia, I desperately wanted to be free of the eating disorder. Not just experiencing freedom from the soul punishing habits but freedom from the restrictions and ground hog day of living a half-life.
To act and achieve change, you need a direction.
You need some specificity.
Not some generalised ‘One day I hope that I might, maybe, possibly recover’.
Your daily mindset is crucial. It’s in the little details of how you think, feel, behave and ultimately live your life.
At whatever stage you are at, you can begin to inject these tools into your daily practice. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Today I have a returning guest to the podcast and I am talking to Marcelle Rose, founder of Marcelle Rose Nutrition. Marcelle specialises in helping women beat binge eating, bulimia, emotional eating and yo-yo dieting so they can make peace with their body and heal their relationship with food. She acknowledges that for many people that this is a transformational experience, so they can reclaim their life.
Marcelle is a BANT registered nutritionist and health coach with specialist training in eating disorders and behaviour change, being a Master Practitioner from the NCFED, plus having undertaken further training in Socratic Questioning for ED’s and body image.
Today, Marcelle is going to do a deep dive into binge eating. She talks about her method for doing this, which is explained in her new book, The Binge Freedom Method, which is now available to buy.
Marcelle’s approach is grounded in science, eating psychology, and nutritional wisdom. Her transformative approach offers a clear path to freedom from binge, emotional and compulsive eating.
Through four essential pillars – Nourish, Balance, Think, and Feel – Marcelle explains the tools and strategies to stabilise your eating habits and overcome binge urges and to have a healthy relationship with food.
If you’re struggling with binge eating, emotional eating or compulsive eating, this episode is for you.
There’s so much packed into this conversation. I hope that you enjoy it.
To find out more about Marcelle and her new book: -
The Binge Freedom Method book: https://marcellerosenutrition.co.uk/BFM
Breaking the Cycle - Your First Steps to Healing Your Relationship with Food
FREE guide
Website: http://www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk
INSTAGRAM: http://www.Instagram.com/marcellerosenutrition
The FOOD FREEDOM COLLECTIVE free Facebook community
Supporting women to find peace with their body & build a happy relationship with food
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/marcellerosenutrition/
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Rage, People Pleasing and Food
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
If you have an eating disorder, you’re probably sensitive and hugely empathic. You’re the wonderful caretaker and often the listener in conversations. When you’re not isolating yourself, you know the minutiae of your friends’ lives and have been a sounding board for many difficult conversations. Sometimes, you may feel that your personality is multi-faceted. You’re fantastic at screening the person in front of you and then adapting to meet their needs.
You can be: - The listener. The enthusiast. The quieter one.
You flex and switch adeptly to your environment, to create harmony and avoid tension.People probably like you. A lot. You’re reliable, friendly, non-abrasive, positive. You probably don’t feel very likeable though. Deep down in your core, relationships may feel unsafe, and it can be hard to trust others.
So, you work even harder to be the person that they need you to be.
You’re a people pleaser.
If you struggle with people pleasing and using food to manage frustrations, anxiety and guilt around this, then this episode is for you. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Supporting your Loved One in Eating Disorder Recovery
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
In this episode, I explore the New Maudsley Animal Model, which provides a framework and set of skills for parents and carers in supporting their loved one in eating disorder recovery. I hope that you find it helpful.
This week's sponsor: -
Jane Reagan's Parents Roadmap
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
We Need to Talk About Chewing and Spitting (C and S)
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Chewing and Spitting (C and S) is a shameful secret sadly suffered by many people with eating disorders. It’s a potentially triggering and tricky topic to talk about, but it’s a subject that needs a conversation and raised awareness.
It’s often overlooked in regular eating disorder assessments, as not recognised as an official disorder under mental health classifications.
You can struggle with C and S, if you have anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, OSFED or disordered eating.
It might be something you experience occasionally, in addition to other behaviours such as purging or over-exercise.It may be something that you struggle with multiple times per day.
In this episode, I talk about Chewing and Spitting, the costs of this and how to begin to stop the behaviour. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals